Wednesday 13 January 2010

Confusion guaranteed

I attended the first PGCE class tonight - the first for me anyway - and confusion was the order of the day. I learnt long ago that the first session on a new course is usually like this and, as Margaret says, the red mist will clear. What was clear is that there's a lot of work to do and a lot of associated paperwork to complete. Infact, as the proformas and booklets were handed out, I could hear in the background the reving of chainsaws and of trees being felled.

I also booked in a time for Margaret to observe me teaching (first of four). I've already planned out the session so now I have a dilema. Do I run the session as planned or do I make lots of changes in light of what we've covered in this first session? I think run it as planned although I will transfer the session plan into the suggested format.

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