Sunday 21 March 2010

Pandora's box

Hello reader,

What a strange week it's been. Just as things are starting to improve with the new job, the teaching gig goes all weird.

As part of an assignment for the PGCE, I had to ask my students to complete an evaluation form on my teaching methods and strategies. I duly put together a suitable form which asked for feedback on areas such as their enjoyment of the classes, how engaging, challenging and stretching the material is, how prepared I am, how useful feedback from assignments is and whether they make use of the College library. In completing the form, the students needed to tick a box which most represented how they felt about the statement. There was also some space at the bottom of the form for them to feedback the aspects of the lessons they liked most and their suggested areas for improvement.

Overall, the feedback was really good with most learners giving positive responses to the statements and lots of comments in the box about what they liked. The comments in the areas for improvement box were a real mixed bag. Some learners took the opportunity to feedback about the amount of work they had to do for the last assessment and some gave quite specific comments about particular aspects of the lesson. What was a common theme was the number of remarks about some learners dominating the rest of the group with their contribution.

Well, once you open Pandora's box and release what's inside, you can't get it back in now can you! At least it will give me plenty of fodder for the next assignment - dealing with classroom behaviour.

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