Saturday 27 February 2010

Caught short

This was the first week back from half-term and the holiday is definitely over! Not only did I start back at College two nights a week but I also started a new job on Wednesday - I will keep applying for things...

I have a bit of a learning point from Tuesday's teaching practice, it's a big one actually. As usual, I'd planned the evening out beforehand with a range of activities. The objectives were to finish off the designing learning and assessment module and to introduce the next one - training delivery and evaluation. Nothing unusual there except that by 8.30pm we'd gotten through all the material and I there was nothing else to do but send the students home early.

Now that may seem pretty harmless, and the students certainly weren't complaining, but I'd essentially taken 30 minutes off the class time and in a busy course that's a little foolish. So, I need to make sure that if we finish early again I have something prepared for us to do. This could be an extra activity or something from the following week. I did have something I could have done and I must have thought, because we'd done everything I'd planned, we should just finish.

I've got a lot planned for next week's session (including a visualisation exercise) so that shouldn't happen again. Oh, and I need to book in another observation.

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