Wednesday 10 February 2010

Didn't that used to be called improv?

This evening I included a formative assessment method in the session. I agreed with Margaret as part of my feedback that I would work on my assessment methods so I thought I'd have a go.

I included a quiz whereby learners would individually select a number (from 1-22) which would relate to a question about what we've covered in the module so far. The questions included areas such as Kolb's experiential learning cycle, Honey and Mumford's learning styles and the principles of training design. Overall the learners did well and only struggled with two questions.

I'll definitely do another quiz later on in the course although I may change how I run it. Giving each learner a question each to answer did rather put them on the spot and didn't give much thinking time.

I also learnt a new bit of teaching terminology in the PGCE class - reflection in action. That appears to be the technical term for when you change (of the cuff) how you are teaching something based on how it's going. Didn't that used to be called improvisation?

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